Life as a parent in Wales

Parents Connect Wales asked parents to send in a photo, accompanied by a caption that captured ‘Life as a parent’. Visit the photo gallery below to see the photos that were sent in. These photos create a rich, colourful illustration of the daily life of parents across Wales. Parents also created artwork as part of our consultation process where we used creative methods to engage with parents. Click the  'Art exhibition' button below to see the beautiful artwork painted by parents.


Photo gallery

A photo gallery showcasing photos taken by parents involved with Parents Connect Wales to showcase ‘Life as a parent’.

Art exhibition

Take a look at the artwork created by parents as part of our consultation process where we used creative methods to engage with parents and carers.


This infographic captures the key findings from an online survey and a Mentimeter poll that parents/ carers took part in. 


Videos showcasing photos taken by parents involved with Parents Connect Wales to demonstrate ‘Life as a parent’.