The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) is an internationally agreed document that recognises the importance of children’s rights and freedoms and always puts the best interests of the child first.
It is a list of rights that all children aged 0-18 years have, there are 54 rights in total and are called ‘Articles’.

Articles 3, 5 and 18 of the UNCRC recognises and supports parents and families and their crucial role in protecting and caring for children.
It recognises that parents/carers play a vital role in ensuring that their children’s rights are fulfilled, rights are protected first within families. Therefore it is important that parents/carers both understand children’s rights and are helped to ensure they are upheld.
To find out more about the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child:
Visit the UNICEF UK website.
Download a summary of the UNCRC.
Download a child friendly symbol poster.
Below, you can find a leaflet produced for parents to give them a better understanding of the importance of their role for promoting their children’s rights. There is also an illustration that Young Wales volunteers co-produced that features the UNCRC in their own words.
We are pleased to advise as part of our Early Childhood Play, Learning and Care approach for 0–5-year-olds in Wales; a number of leaflets have been developed covering:
- what Children’s Rights are,
- the United Nations Convention on Rights of the Child,
- how to support babies and young children’s rights from age 0-5 years
The A3 leaflet has been developed for practitioners and the four A4 leaflets have been developed for parents. Both sets cover Here I am! (0-12 months) I’m exploring! (1-2 years) Look at me now! (2-3 years) and Watch me go, here I come! (3-5 years).