Binary Finery: Non-binary and other ways of Being
So what is non-binary?
Children and young people across Wales aged 11-25 are being called upon to take part in the new Young Wales initiative called "The Big Conversation."
The project is a platform where young people can engage with the 7 key themes that Young Wales works on with its young people Advisory Boards:
But the Big Conversation isn’t just about talking, it’s about action. The views collected will be brought directly to Welsh Government Ministers in 2025, ensuring that the perspectives of children and young people are part of the decision-making process.
Throughout Autumn 2024, our team members will be traveling across Wales hosting sessions with groups of young people each week. We are so excited to hit the road and begin our journey!
The project's centerpiece will then be the Young Wales Festival at Sparc, Cardiff, set to take place November 16th, 2024. Here, focus groups and in-depth discussions will help shape the key messages that our volunteers will carry forward when they meet with Welsh Government Ministers.
Why Is the Big Conversation Important?
The goal of The Big Conversation is to amplify the voices of children and young people in Wales to ensure they are heard by decision makers.
The feedback gathered will be compiled into a report by Young Wales staff in 2025, reflecting not just what young people think, but how their input can influence decision-makers.
How Does it Work?
Those attending the sessions hosted by our Young Wales team will have the opportunity to join the Big Conversation and give their opinions on our key themes and topics. They will also be provided with a closed survey to privately present their opinions.
During the Young Wales Festival, children and young people can then take part in further discussions and focus groups to help finalise the key messages.
But these events are not just about having a conversation, they are about making an impact. We want to ensure children and young people can have their voices heard and be part of shaping the future of Wales.
For more information, or to get involved, please contact Young Wales at young.wales@childreninwales.org.uk
So what is non-binary?