Since the summer of 2023, we have been working with a group of young people to develop their skills to help them become peer researchers, to explore the barriers that young people face that get in the way of them being eco-friendly.
We would love to hear from you if you are interested in hosting a focus group before the end of May 2024. Please get in touch with if you work with children aged 12-18 and would be able to host a session.
This project is funded by the Community Knowledge fund, through our partners The Young Foundation and UKRI. We will also be working with Egin throughout this project and thank all our partners for their support.
In February we released our survey, and we are so pleased that we received over 800 responses. We are now working with our peer researchers to analyse these responses and put together our findings.
Alongside this, we are also holding a series of focus groups that will expand on our findings from the survey. The peer researchers will be facilitating the focus groups themselves and we would like each group to have 4-10 young people in it. The sessions will last around an hour.
Since age can affect how young people feel about being eco-friendly, the young people felt that we should do different focus groups for different age groups.
We are therefore looking for focus groups of:
We will also be delivering focus groups for 7-11 year old children in primary schools and we thank these schools for offering to host these for us.
If you would be able to support us with this, or would like more information, please do not hesitate to contact