A creative opportunity for schools, community groups, childcare and play settings to raise awareness of Children’s Rights and get children and young people thinking about which rights are most important to them, while having fun.
2023 – 2024 is Children in Wales’ 30th anniversary year. To celebrate this important milestone, we are organising a creative competition for schools, community groups, childcare and play settings. We are asking participants to create their own bunting design based on their chosen children’s right. A comprehensive list of children’s rights can be found here:
All bunting created will be displayed at Children in Wales' annual Young Wales festival in November 2023.
The Prize
£25 voucher for the first, second and third place winning participants
Free annual Children in Wales membership for the school/community group of the participant awarded first place
A feature in Children in Wales’ e-magazine Winter edition for the school/community group of the participant awarded first place.
Deadline and Submission
The deadline for submissions is Friday 20th October. Bunting can be scanned and sent to us digitally to or posted to Children in Wales’ office address which is:
Children in Wales, 21 Windsor Place, Cardiff, CF10 3BY
Please be sure to complete your group contact details alongside the bunting.